The refractive index change, An, i.e., the concentration of the solution at a vertical cathode was studied by a Lloyd mirror laser interferometer during the electrodeposition of copper from CuSO4 solutions with and without tenfold excess of H2SO4. The initial galvanostatic transients were studied below the limiting current density and above to the start of H~ bubble formation. It was found that the concentration decreased linearly with it I/2 for both solu-* Electrochemical Society Active Member. 1Present address: current-potential curves thus obtained provide quantitative values of Tafel slopes, exchange current densities, reaction orders, apparent heats of activation, and, under favorable conditions, stoichiometric numbers. In addition to these parameters, a great deal of ) unless CC License in place (see abstract). address. Redistribution subject to ECS terms of use (see Downloaded on 2015-03-13 to IP