In order to support the different new generation equipment and technologies, cloud computing is depends to deal with the bulky data. Because a rich amount of data is generated using these devices and processing such big data need the cloud servers which can scale the computational ability according to demand. On the other hands to perform computation we need huge power supply and cooling system that increases the power consumption and emission of harmful gases. Thus, need to achieve green computing by reducing power consumption of computational cloud. In this context, we found VM(virtual machine) workload scheduling can be a good strategy to efficiently utilize the computational resources and reducing power consumption of cloud server. Basically, the physical machines contain a number of virtual machines (VMs). These VMs are used to deal with the workload appeared for processing. If we better utilize the resources then we can process large number of jobs in less amount of VMs. Additionally, we can also turn off the ideal machines to reduce the power consumption. In this context the proposed work is motivated to work with VM scheduling techniques to achieve green computing. In recent literature we also identified that there are two kinds of VM scheduling approaches active and proactive. The proactive technique is more effective as compared to active approaches, due to prior knowledge of the workload on VM. So, in this paper we proposed green cloud predictive model for VMs workload using unsupervised learning (i.e clustering) like K-Mean, K-Medoid, Fuzzy C-Mean (FCM),Self-Organizing Map(SOM) to predict the future workload for VM’s scheduling and find the efficient clustering among them for workload prediction in view of green computing. The efficiency of clustering-based prediction is measured on parameters like accuracy, error rate.