In the paper the influence of Ethernet network dynamics on the quality of diesel-generator control is considered. The control quality indicators depend on time delays in the transmission of data packets over the Ethernet network. The optimization task of minimizing such time delays to improve the control quality was resolved. The Lagrange's method of undetermined multipliers and Bellman optimality rule were used for the analytical solution of the problem of minimizing time delays. A Matlab-model was developed for the research of the impact of time delays on the diesel-generator control quality, in which the Ethernet network is used as a data transmission channel between control objects and regulators. The scientific novelty of the results is in the improvement of the analytical method for analysing the characteristics of the automated control systems information processing network to study the influence of network dynamics on the quality of control of diesel-generators and determining the intensity of transmission of information and control packets, as well as using the proposed optimal conflict resolution rule, using which the transmission time delays data are minimal. This reduces the number of conflicts between the processes claiming the resources by almost 2 times and increases the quality of control.