Background: PedCAT (Curvebeam, Warrington, USA) is a new technology that allows radiographic 3D imaging with full weight bearing which is be not influenced by projection and/or foot orientation (as radiographs). The aim of two different studies was a comparison of specific bone position (angle) measurements between three imaging methods (radiographs, CT, pedCAT), and the correlation of bone position and force/pressure distribution. Methods: Study 1. In a prospective consecutive controlled study starting July 2013, 30 patients in which standard digital radiographs with full weight bearing in standing position, CT without weight bearing, and pedCAT scan with full weight bearing in standing position were included. The following angles were measured and compared: 1st -2nd intermetatarsal angle, talo-metatarsal 1-angle (TMT) both dorsoplantar and lateral projection, hindfoot angle, calcaneal pitch (ANOVA with Post Hoc Scheffe test). Study 2. In a prospective consecutive study starting July 2014, 50 patients were included. A pedCAT scan with simultaneous pedography with full weight bearing in standing position was performed. The following parameters were measured: Ped-CAT: lateral talo-1 st metatarsal-angle (TMT), calcaneal pitch angle, minimum height of 5 th metatarsal base, 2 nd -5 th metatarsal heads and medial sesamoid. Pedography: midfoot contact area, maximum force midfoot, maximum force midfoot lateral, maximum force entire foot, maximum pressure 1 st to 5 th metatarsal. The corresponding pedCAT and pedography parameters were correlated (Pearson). Results: Study 1. The angles differed between radiographs, CT and pedCAT (ANOVA, all p ≤ .01). The angles differed between pedCAT and both radiographs and CT (Post Hoc Scheffe test, each p ≤ .05 except for TMT dorsoplantar and calcaneal pitch angels versus radiographs). Study 2. No sufficient correlation was found between pedCAT and pedography parameters (r < 0.05 or r > −0.38).