Soil compaction is an important concern for surface mine operations that require heavy equipment for land reclamation. Excessive use of rubber-tired equipment, such as scraper pans, may cause mine soil compaction and hinder the success of revegetation efforts. However, information is limited on management strategies for ameliorating the potential compacting effects of scraper pans, particularly during site preparation for loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) plantations. Three forms of tillage and one control were replicated five times on surface mined land in the west Gulf Coastal Plain: no tillage (NT), disking (D), single-ripping + disking (R+D), and cross-ripping + disking (CR+D). Mine soil physical properties were investigated at 0 to 30, 30 to 60, and 60 to 90 cm. Percent cover and aboveground biomass of an herbaceous winter cover crop, and survival and growth of loblolly pine seedlings were assessed after one growing season. Herbaceous species biomass was highest on the R+D and CR+D plots and lowest on the NT control. Pine seedling survival was highest on the tilled plots (>90%) compared to NT (85%). The highest intensity combination tillage treatment (CR+D) was superior in terms of lowering soil bulk density (mean 1.36 Mg m -3 ) and soil strength (mean 2220 kPa) and increasing pine seedling volume index growth (mean 32 cm 3 ). Surface tillage (D) alone improved herbaceous cover and pine seedling survival, while CR+D provided the most favorable responses in mine soil physical properties and vegetative growth.Abbreviations: AWC, available water capacity; CR+D, cross-ripping plus disking; D, disking; FC, field capacity; NT, no tillage; R+D, single-ripping plus disking; SVI, seedling volume index; WC, wilting coefficient. D uring reclamation of surface-mined land, the procedures used in establishing a plant growth medium, or mine soil, can influence soil properties and revegetation success both short and long-term (Zipper et al., 2013). If improper mine soil handling and placement results in compaction, adverse growing conditions may arise, including elevated soil bulk density and reduced rainfall infiltration, available water capacity, aeration, and plant nutrient availability (Slick and Curtis, 1985). Mined land reclamation offers an opportunity to improve soil properties through mechanical site preparation to achieve the post-mining land use goal (Skousen et al., 2009). Forestry is a common post-mining land use in the Gulf Coastal Plain, with the majority of land reclaimed to commercially valuable loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) plantations (Priest et al., 2016). Since mine operations require year-round use of heavy, earth-moving equipment, a limiting factor for vegetative growth and establishment on mined land is soil compaction, which can have long-lasting consequences if not minimized or ameliorated prior to planting (Dunker and Darmody, 2005
Core Ideas• Mine soil physical properties improve with increased tillage upon reclamation in the Gulf Coastal Plain.• Growth of loblolly pine seedlings increases with h...