INTRODUCTION: The ue of preformed metal crowns in minimally invasive methods of treatment, like the Hall technique, provides the option for these constructions to be used in daily outpatient practice in children with a small number/single carious lesions and negative attitude, who otherwise must be treated with pharmacological control of the behavior. AIM: The aim of this article is to investigate the opportunity for treatment of the approximal dentin caries/ asymptomatic closed pulpitis with primary metal crowns (PMCs) using the Hall technique. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The child's level of cooperation was assessed before the treatment using the Frankel scale. In this study a preformed metal crowns was used-Stainless Steel Primary Molar Crowns (3M ESPE™), placed using the Hall technique. The paraclinical method of diagnostics and follow-up was segment x-rays of the crowned teeth-bitewing technique. RESULT: A 5-year old clinical case with an approximal carious lesion on tooth 84 is presented. Objective clinical criteria refer to asymptomatic closed pulpitis. Diagnostic radiograph has been made before the crown application. After two-year follow-up the x-rays show deposition of tertiary reactive dentin in the change of pulp chamber volume. The reaction of the pulp is clearly visible. CONCLUSION: The Hall technique is a great alternative option for caries management and even for treatment of asymptomatic closed pulpitis especially for negative patients. In addition the longevity of PMCs overwhelms significantly the other filling materials and prevents secondary caries.