“…It turns out that the results by Hochster (respectively, Terai) and Gräbe (respectively, Mustaţ ǎ) are equivalent, by means of the duality established by Miller [40,Corollary 6.7]. It is also worth noting that, in the last decade, several generalizations of Hochster's decomposition have appeared in the literature, being [62, Theorem 1], [19,Theorem 5.1], [10, Theorems 1.1 and 1.3], and [28, Theorem 4.5 and Lemma 4.6] the most relevant for the purposes of this paper (see also [38, Another different approach was adopted by Àlvarez Montaner et al in [5]; indeed, building upon a Mayer-Vietoris spectral sequence (1) (where A is a polynomial ring with coefficients on a field, I is the defining ideal of an arrangement of linear varieties, I = I 1 ∩ . .…”