The main purpose of this benchmark paper is to study and compare point and spatial neutronic approaches used to calculate ULOF and UTOP transients in sodium cooled fast reactors. A second objective is to compare deterministic and Monte Carlo calculations with two different calculation codes. The first one is based on a deterministic (discrete ordinate S N) approach, using tabulated self-shielded cross sections, where the core reactivity and the power shape distribution are evaluated at each time step of the transient calculation. The second model relies on the Transient Fission Matrix (TFM) approach, condensing the response of a Monte Carlo neutronic code in time dependent Green functions characterizing the local transport in the reactor. This second approach allows a fast estimation of the reactivity and of the flux redistribution in the system during the transient with a precision closed to that of the Monte Carlo code. Both models have been coupled to the thermalhydraulics and applied on an ASTRID representative assembly. This application case is supposed to be sensitive to power redistributions. A second comparison between spatial kinetics and point kinetics calculations has been led to study this point. Finally we obtain a good agreement between spatial and point kinetics on ULOF and UTOP calculations, while some discrepancies are observed between the TFM and the S N approaches on the power level stabilization, due to difference on the feedback estimation in both models.