This research is aimed to analysed initial achievement of crosscutting concepts: cause-effect and critical thinking in ceramics crafts-integrated Natural Science learning. The research utilized analytical descriptive by using 32 students as the respondents. The research instrument utilized ceramics crafts-integrated test questions. The data analysis technique was performed by using quantitative percentage. The validity and reliability of the test instruments were analyzed using the Quest application. The reliability value is 0.88 which means the test instrument has high reliability. The results showed that the ability of critical thinking on the indicators of analyzing data was 51.56%, evaluating 57.81%, valuing towards a problem 82.81%, examined inter-problem logical relationship 18.75%, and drawing conclusion 51.56%. While the level of understanding of crosscutting concepts on the indicators of categorizing was 28.12%, examines 53.12%, and predicts 56.25%. Overall, students' critical thinking skills and understanding of crosscutting concepts are low. The development of science learning tools must be designed to be able to increase the understanding of cross-cutting concepts: cause & effect and critical thinking.