We show that two apparently contradictory theories on the existence of Griffiths-McCoy singularities in magnetic metallic systems [1,2] are in fact mathematically equivalent. We discuss the generic phase diagram of the problem and show that there is a non-universal crossover temperature range T * < T < ω0 where power law behavior (Griffiths-McCoy behavior) is expect. For T < T * power law behavior ceases to exist due to the destruction of quantum effects generated by the dissipation in the metallic environment. We show that T * is an analogue of the Kondo temperature and is controlled by non-universal couplings. The problem of non-Fermi liquid behavior (NFL) in U and Ce intermetallics continues to attract a lot of attention due to the breakdown of Landau's Fermi liquid theory in metallic alloys [3]. NFL is often characterized by power law or logarithmic temperature behavior in physical quantities such as the magnetic susceptibility, χ(T ) and specific heat, C V (T ). Many NFL materials have as common features the closeness to a magnetic phase transition and disorder generated by the alloying [4]. It has been proposed that NFL behavior can be associated in some materials with quantum Griffiths-McCoy singularities close to a quantum critical point (QCP) [5]. These singularities are related with the tunneling, at low temperatures, of magnetic clusters with N spins generated by the percolating nature of the magnetic phase transition. As a result, the physical properties acquire non-universal power law behavior, χ(T ) ∝ C V (T )/T ∝ T −1+λ , with the exponent λ < 1 dependent on the distance from the QCP. While in its first version [5] the theory did not consider properly the dissipation coming from the electronic degrees of freedom, it was extended to include dissipation [1] with the final conclusion that power law behavior disappears below a crossover temperature T