Electrogastrograms (EGGs) were recorded from 16 locations on the thoraco-abdominal
surface to find the maximum absolute power foci during rest (RAP) and the maximum ratio of
the % content during the mirror drawing test (MDT) compared to that during rest (%C-MDT/R)
for both the 3 cpm (2.4–4.9) and 6 cpm (5.0–7.4) groups. The maximum foci were obtained
from control subjects and those who received gastro-intestinal surgery via total
gastrectomy (TG), distal gastrectomy (DG), and total esophagectomy with colonic
replacement (CR). The control mean of the infraumbilical channels 10–16 (I) expressed as
%C-MDT/R of the 3 cpm group was higher than the mean of the supraumbilical channels 1–9
(S) (I>S, P<0.001). The maximum focus of the 3-cpm %C-MDT/R was in the
left umbilical area, while that of the 6-cpm %C-MDT/R was found bilaterally in the right
epigastric and left umbilical areas, interposed by the lower %C-MDT/R gastric area.
Therefore, the presence of gastric EGG inhibition and colonic facilitation are suggested
to occur during MDT. In TG and DG, the foci of the %C-MDT/R in the 3-cpm group were
located bilaterally in the right epigastric and left umbilical areas. The shifts of foci
suggest colonic EGG facilitation. The mean S of the 3-cpm group was significantly higher
than the mean I with CR (S>I, P<0.05). The maximum foci of the 3- and
6-cpm groups were in the epigastrium. These results suggest colonic EGG facilitation in
the epigastrium, as the stomach has been removed and the original gastric location is
instead occupied by the transverse colon in CR.