The pitting corrosion resistance of AISI 1045 carbon steel with as-quenched, tempered, and low-carbon martensitic microstructures was investigated in boric-borate buffer solutions with and without NaCl. Analysis by micro-scale polarization found that tempering and decarburizing treatments decreased the pitting corrosion resistance of as-quenched martensite. The high corrosion resistance of the as-quenched martensite was likely due to the large amount of interstitial carbon. The pitting corrosion resistances of asquenched martensite, primary ferrite, and pearlite were compared using micro-scale polarization measurements. It was determined that the pitting corrosion resistances of the typical steel structures were ordered as follows: (high) as-quenched martensite > tempered martensite ≈ primary ferrite > pearlite (low). The pitting corrosion resistance of steel was shown to depend on its microstructure. © The Author ( Background.-Quenched and tempered martensitic carbon steels are known for their high strength.1-5 The supersaturation of interstitial carbon and high dislocation density provide martensitic steels with their high strength. 4 However, the toughness of as-quenched martensitic steels is relatively low. To optimize the balance between strength and toughness, the steels are subjected to tempering.1 Tempering involves heating the steels so that the non-equilibrium microstructure can return to near-equilibrium conditions. 4 However, tempering also lowers the dislocation density due to the recovery and recrystallization processes.2-4 It has also been shown that the precipitation of carbides results in a decrease in the amount of interstitial carbon.1 While tempered martensitic carbon steels have excellent mechanical properties, the effect of tempering on the pitting corrosion behavior of carbon steels is unclear. While such steels can be successfully protected from corrosion by coating and/or painting, localized corrosion is readily initiated at cut edges and in coating defect areas in atmospheric environments. To prolong their service life and improve their reliability, it is necessary to elucidate the mechanism of pitting corrosion and assess the pitting corrosion resistance of as-quenched, and quenched and tempered martensitic steels.Fundamental research on the corrosion mechanisms of carbon steels started during the 1950s. Stern found that the addition of carbon (0.11 mass% C) increased the corrosion rate of pure iron in 4% NaCl at pH 1 and 2. 6 This increase in the corrosion rate was explained by the decrease in the hydrogen overvoltage due to the addition of carbon. It is known that iron carbides (Fe 3 C) act as cathodic sites.