The main result of this paper is a sufficient condition in order to have a compact Thom-Mather stratified pseudomanifold endowed with aĉ-iterated edge metric on its regular part q-parabolic. Moreover, besides stratified pseudomanifolds, the q-parabolicity of other classes of singular spaces, such as compact complex Hermitian spaces, is investigated. 0 q-PARABOLICITY OF STRATIFIED PSEUDOMANIFOLDS AND OTHER SINGULAR SPACES 1 form M/G with M a compact manifold and G a compact Lie group acting isometrically), this result entails that these spaces are automatically 2-parabolic and thus stochastically complete. The importance of this class of metrics, as we will explain more precisely later, lies in its deep connection with the topology of X. Besides to stratified pseudomanifolds, in this paper we investigate also the q-parabolicity of other classes of singular spaces such as compact Hermitian complex spaces, real algebraic varieties and almost complex manifolds endowed with a compatible and degenerate metric whose degeneration locus is a union of closed submanifolds with codimension ≥ 2. Let us point out that all of the above examples provide smooth Riemannian manifolds which are geodesically incomplete, so that one cannot use Grigoryan's well-known parabolicity and stochastic completeness criteria (cf. Theorem 11.8 and Theorem 11.14 in [21]) which require geodesic completeness and volume control. Our approach is more in the spirit of [22]. This paper is organized as follows: In the second section we recall the main definitions and some important properties concerning parabolicity of Riemannian manifolds. The third section, which contains the main result of this paper, deals with compact stratified pseudomanifolds. The forth section is divided in three parts. The first one contains some technical statements that will be extensively used through the rest of the paper. The second part deals with almost complex manifolds endowed with a compatible and degenerate metric whose degeneration locus is a union of closed submanifolds with codimension ≥ 2. Finally the third part tackles the case of compact Hermitian complex spaces and real algebraic varieties .