We use recently published redshift space distortion measurements of the cosmological growth rate, f σ 8 (z), to examine whether the linear evolution of perturbations in the R h = ct cosmology is consistent with the observed development of large scale structure. We find that these observations favour R h = ct over the version of ΛCDM optimized with the joint analysis of Planck and linear growth rate data, particularly in the redshift range 0 < z < 1, where a significant curvature in the functional form of f σ 8 (z) predicted by the standard model-but not by R h =ct-is absent in the data.When ΛCDM is optimized using solely the growth rate measurements, however, the two models fit the observations equally well though, in this case, the low-redshift measurements find a lower value for the fluctuation amplitude than is expected in Planck ΛCDM. Our results strongly affirm the need for more precise measurements of f σ 8 (z) at all redshifts, but especially at z < 1.