In this work, we construct a simple tokamak plasma equilibrium generated by currents flowing within the plasma and currents flowing in distant external coils. The plasma current density takes the form j ϕ (r, z) = −ar − bR 2 /r inside the plasma, and is zero in the surrounding vacuum. We use Green's function method to compute the plasma current contribution, together with a homogeneous solution to the Grad-Shafranov equation, to construct the full solution. Matching with the constant boundary condition on the last closed flux surface is performed to determine the homogeneous solution. The total solution is then extended into the vacuum region to get a realistic vacuum solution. We find that the actual solution is different from the Solov'ev solution, especially the X-point structure. The X-point obtained at the last closed flux surface is not like the letter "X", and the expanded angle in the vacuum is larger than corresponding angle in the plasma at the null point. The results are important for understanding the X-point and separatrix structure. At the end of the paper, we have extended the classic Solovev's configuration to an ITER-like configuration, and obtained the vacuum solution. PACS number(s): 52.55.-s, 47.65.-d.