We show that the Hadamard and Unitary gates could be implemented by a unitary evolution together with a measurement for any unknown state chosen from a set A = |Ψ i , Ψ i (i = 1, 2) if and only if |Ψ 1 , |Ψ 2 , Ψ 1 , Ψ 2 are linearly independent. We also derive the best transformation efficiencies. [3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22] which operate either in a deterministic or probabilistic way. Corresponding to the quantum no-cloning theorem, Pati and Braunstein [23] demonstrated that the linearity of quantum mechanics also forbids one to delete one unknown state ideally against a copy [23], which is called the quantum no-deleting principle. Notably, Zurek [24] further verified the existence of limitations on cloning and deleting completely an unknown state and pointed out the importance of studying approximate and probabilistic deletion corresponding to cloners [3,4,10]. And some probabilistic and state-dependent deleting machines have