“…Another possible reason for a natural resource curse is that high wages in the resources sector for lessskilled workers reduces the incentives for further education and training (Black et al, 2005b;Freudenburg 1981Freudenburg , 1984, which puts those less-skilled workers (and the region as a whole) in a vulnerable position when the energy economy inevitably turns down. The employment which does occur in booms largely is in the extraction sectors, and in non-tradable sectors like construction, services, and the retail sector (Carrington, 1996;Black et al, 2005a;Marchand, 2012), which have little sustaining power once the boom ends. may be susceptible to weak institutions, bad governance, rent-seeking, and corruption-e.g., Nigeria or stereotypes of say Louisiana (Acemoglu et al, 2004) or possibly modern North Dakota (Sontag and McDonald, 2014).…”