“…In fact, we expect Theorem 2 to hold in a much wider context, and that the emergence of the Brownian continuum random tree as a limit of large Brownian loops is a signature of non-compact, negatively curved spaces that are "close to homogeneous". The intuition behind this result comes from the recent advances [17,16] on local limit theorems for transition probabilities in hyperbolic groups. Namely, Gouëzel's results in [16] imply in particular that if G is a nonelementary Gromov-hyperbolic group, and if S is a finite symmetric subset of generators of G, then the number C n of closed paths of length n in the Cayley graph of G associated with S is asymptotically C n ∼ α β n n −3/2 (modulo the usual periodicity caveat) for some α = α(G, S) ∈ (0, ∞) and β = β(G, S) ∈ (1, ∞).…”