Principal Component Analysis plays a central role in statistics, engineering and science. Because of the prevalence of corrupted data in real-world applications, much research has focused on developing robust algorithms. Perhaps surprisingly, these algorithms are unequipped -indeed, unable -to deal with outliers in the high dimensional setting where the number of observations is of the same magnitude as the number of variables of each observation, and the data set contains some (arbitrarily) corrupted observations. We propose a High-dimensional Robust Principal Component Analysis (HR-PCA) algorithm that is as efficient as PCA, robust to contaminated points, and easily kernelizable. In particular, our algorithm achieves maximal robustness -it has a breakdown point of 50% (the best possible) while all existing algorithms have a breakdown point of zero. Moreover, our algorithm recovers the optimal solution exactly in the case where the number of corrupted points grows sub linearly in the dimension.