First of all I thank my family for everything; my uncle José, Elaine, Bruno, and Neuza (in memorian) for the comfortable hosting during part of this Master's; and my advisor, Prof. Bárbara Amaral, for accepting me into your group, guiding me through these two years, and for all contributions you have made in my academic life and beyond. I also thank all the professors I have had since the beginning of my undergrad studies, in particular I highlight Profs. Gabriel Landi, Márcio Bortoloti, Jorge Anderson, and Ivanor Nunes (in memorian). I thank the friends that Physics gave me, among which I highlight the "derivators": Emmanuel, Erison, and Pablo; Thiago and his cosmo-collegues; and also my group colleagues: Alisson, Ari, Daniel, Giulio, Gustavo, Marina, Rafael, Silvio, and Tiago. I also leave a thank to my non-academic friends, in particular: Shirley for the beers and chats, my crazy Colombian friend Karol for nothing (I only mentioned you because I like you), and Gabrielle for the long chats, English helps, and for all the ABBA songs we listen to. Finally, thanks to everyone who kept the correlations with me as strong as possible despite the space-like separation. A special ¬thank to COVID-19 (and its collaborators).