“… [48c] Even though still some “free” DMC, indicated by the bands at 862 (weak) and 917 cm −1 , is present in Mg‐DMC, the intensity of the Raman bands associated with coordinated DMC is much higher. In good agreement with previous reports[ 48a , 48c , 48d ] of Li + in DMC, upon coordination to Mg 2+ , the ct ‐DMC conformation is preferred, which is clearly shown in the share of areal intensity I of the ct ‐DMC for the uncoordinated bands in pure DMC [ I 861 /( I 861 + I 917 )=3 %], compared to the coordinated bands in Mg‐DMC [ I 882 /( I 882 + I 945 )=77 %]. In addition, the blue shift upon coordination, indicating the coordination strength is with 28 cm −1 for the cc ‐DMC and 21 cm −1 for ct ‐DMC higher than literature reports for Li‐ion‐based systems (e. g., cc ‐DMC: 14 cm −1 , ct ‐DMC: 13 cm −1 by Kameda et al.…”