We show that the diffusion of a single file of particles moving in a fluctuating modulated 1D channel is enhanced with respect to the one in a bald pipe. This effect, induced by the fluctuations of the modulation, is favored by the incommensurability between the channel potential modulation and the moving file periodicity. This phenomenon could be of importance in order to optimize the critical current in superconductors, in particular in the case where mobile vortices move in 1D channels designed by adapted patterns of pinning sites.PACS numbers: 05.40.-a Recent progress in lithography techniques have given rise to many developments to obtain superconducting mesoscopic devices with large critical currents. These currents being dependent upon the vortices pinning, many studies have been focused in the last past years to understand the properties of a mobile file of vortex moving in 1D channels. Some are devoted to the determination of the mobility of vortices moving in a strip geometry in order to investigate the influence of this motion on the generation of noise [1,2], others explore the vortex flow in modulated channels designed by pinned vortices [3,4,5,6,7]. In such systems, the vortex mobility depends upon the adequacy between the inter-vortices distance and the periodicity of the pinned vortices array and/or the channel width. For instance, it is well known that this mobility drops when the vortices file diffuses into a channel with a commensurate configuration of the pinning sites and that it is very sensitive to the accuracy of this matching. Experimentally, these effects have essentially been observed at a macroscopic scale at which these matching effects result in an important increase of the critical current for some precise values of the magnetic field. The high sensitivity of the critical current towards the matching of the characteristic lengths suggests that fluctuations in the channel modulation, originating in the small movements of trapped vortices for instance, could subtly influence the resulting flow from the mobile vortices. From the theoretical point of view, the Langevin equations describing the movements of particles located in a file and diffusing in a fluctuating modulated channel are non linear and their analytical solution is out of reach. Numerical studies have also been performed [4,5,6,7] ; however, a complete description of such a behavior introducing these fluctuations is still lacking.In this letter we evidence that these fluctuations induce an important enhancement of the vortices diffusion, one order of magnitude higher than in the case of a bald channel. To exhibit this very surprising result, we have used an original experimental approach which allows to follow the movement of each particle located in the file and determine its diffusion. More precisely, we have compared the diffusion of particles moving in a fluctuating modulated channel to the one observed when the same particles are distributed in a pipe without modulation, hereafter called bald pipe.In these experiment...