The modeling of Jupiter's magnetic field helps to understand the particle dynamics, magnetospheric dynamics, and coupling processes between the magnetosphere and ionosphere. As reviewed by Khurana et al. (2004), Jupiter's magnetosphere is highly coupled with its moons (Bagenal & Dols, 2020;Thomas et al., 2004) and governed by different physical processes and structures in different regions, including the corotating plasma torus, the magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling (McNutt. et al., 1981), the current sheet (Cowley et al., 2002), and the solar wind interaction (Joy et al., 2002;McComas et al., 2017). Juno's elaborate trajectory gives an excellent opportunity to further study the Jovian aurora, the radiation belt, and the plasma sheet in Jupiter's magnetosphere in the new era (Bagenal et al., 2017). Furthermore, the accurate modeling of Jupiter's magnetic field is also important for engineering. Eddy currents are generated within electrically conductive material if spacecraft spins in the strong magnetic field and the currents interfere with the measurement of the magnetometer (Kotsiaros et al., 2020). Energetic particles are trapped by the magnetic field. These particles are harmful to electronics in spacecraft and the radiation effects caused by them are the main constraints of Jupiter's mission design (