Let X be an analytic subset of an open neighbourhood U of the origin 0 in C n . Let f : (X, 0) → (C, 0) be holomorphic and set V = f −1 (0). Let B ε be a ball in U of sufficiently small radius ε > 0, centred at 0 ∈ C n . We show that f has an associated canonical pencil of real analytic hypersurfaces X θ , with axis V , which leads to a fibration Φ of the whole space (X ∩ B ε ) \ V over S 1 . Its restriction to (X ∩ S ε ) \ V is the usual Milnor fibration φ = f |f | , while its restriction to the Milnor tube f −1 (∂D η ) ∩ B ε is the Milnor-Lê fibration of f . Each element of the pencil X θ meets transversally the boundary sphere S ε = ∂B ε , and the intersection is the union of the link of f and two homeomorphic fibres of φ over antipodal points in the circle. Furthermore, the spaceX obtained by the real blow up of the ideal (Re(f ), Im(f )) is a fibre bundle over RP 1 with the X θ as fibres. These constructions work also, to some extent, for real analytic map-germs, and give us a clear picture of the differences, concerning Milnor fibrations, between real and complex analytic singularities.