Mutation of the gene coding for the granule bound starch synthase (waxy protein) leads to reduced amylose content in cereal endosperm. Durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var. durum) has one waxy locus in each of its two genomes. Full waxy durum wheat is produced when both genomes carry the waxy null alleles. When only one locus is mutated, partial waxy durum wheat is obtained. Partial and full waxy near‐isogenic lines of durum wheat developed by a breeding program were analyzed as to their quality characteristics. Amylose was largely eliminated in full waxy lines; however, no reduction in amylose content was detected in partial waxy lines. The waxy mutation did not affect grain yield, kernel size, or kernel hardness. Full waxy durum lines had higher kernel ash content, α‐amylase activity, and a unique nonvitreous kernel appearance. Protein quality, as evaluated by SDS microsedimentation value, gluten index, and wet gluten was slightly lower in the full waxy lines than in the other genotypes. However, comparisons with current cultivars indicated that protein quality of all derived lines remained in the range of strong gluten cultivars. Semolina yield was lowered by the waxy mutations due to lower friability that resulted in less complete separation of the endosperm from the bran. Waxy semolina was more sensitive to mechanical damage during milling, but modified tempering and milling conditions may limit the damage. Overall, quality characteristics of waxy durum grain were satisfactory and suitable for application testing.