Kars, S., Naik, D . R. 1987. Immunohistochemical identification of the adenohypophysial cells in the Indian paddy field frog. Rana limnocharis. (Department of Zoology, Utkal University, India).-Acra 2001. (Stockh.) 68, 127-134. Cells of the pituitary pars distalis (PD) and pars intermedia (PI) in the frog Rana limnocharis have been identified by an unlabelled antibody enzyme method using antisera developed in rabbit against mammalian hypophysial hormones. On the basis of their immunoreactiyity, six types of cells, viz. thyrotropic (TSH), gonadotropic (GTH), prolactin (PRL), growth hormone (GH), corticotropic (ACTH) and melanotropic (MSH), cells have been recognized. GTH and PRL cells are distributed throughout the PD. GH cells usually occur in the anterodorsal and central region of the gland. Immunoreactive TSH cells are fewer in number and are localized in the ventromedian region of the PD. Cells showing immunoreactivity to ACTH 1-24 antiserum are encountered in the rostroventral part of the PD. Cells of the PI also show immunoreactivity to ACTH 1-24 antiserum. PI cells cross-react with a-MSH antiserum at all dilutions up to 1 : 50 000. However, when the same antiserum was used at dilutions up to 1 : 20 000, the ACTH cells of the PD also showed cross-reactivity. . d'immunochimie ultrastructurale et de microscopie photonique et ilectronique. Biologie cell. 29. Baker, B.L., Drurnmond, T. 1972. The cellular origins of corticotropin and melanotropin as revealed by immunochemical staining. A m . J . Anat. 134, Campaniico, E . , Guastalla, A , , Patriarca, E. 1985. Identification by immunofluorescence of prolactin and somatotrophin-producing cells in the pituitary gland of the tree frog Hyla arborea.Gen. comp. Endocr. 57, 110-116. Conelly. T. G . 1974. Immunohistochemical staining of cells in the axolotl pituitary gland. Anat. Rec. 178, 333-334. (Abstract .) Doerr-Schotr, J . 1971, Etude comparative des rksultats cytologiques. histochimiques. cytophysiologiques et ultrastructuraux enregistrks par diffkrents auteurs dans I'hypophyse distale des Amphibiens. Annls Endocr. 32. 371-379. Doerr-Schoir. J . 1974. Cyto-immunochemical study of the hypophysial cells of amphibians by light and electron microscopy. Forischr. 2001. 22, 245-267. Doerr-Schoit, J . 1976a. Immunohistochemical detection. by light and electron microscopy, of pituitary hormones in cold-blooded vertebrates. Gm. comp. Endocr. 28. 487-512. Doerr-Schoii. J . 1976b. Immunohistochemical detec-135-148. 395-409.