We review the progress in the theory of one-dimensional (1D) Fermi liquids which has occurred over the past decade. The usual Fermi liquid theory based on a quasi-particle picture, breaks down in one dimension because of the Peierls divergence in the particlehole bubble producing anomalous dimensions of operators, and because of charge-spin separation. Both are related to the importance of scattering processes transferring finite momentum. A description of the low-energy properties of gapless one-dimensional quantum systems can be based on the exactly solvable Luttinger model which incorporates these features, and whose correlation functions can be calculated. Special properties of the eigenvalue spectrum, parameterized by one renormalized velocity and one effective coupling constant per degree of freedom fully describe the physics of this model. Other gapless 1D models share these properties in a low-energy subspace. The concept of a "Luttinger liquid" implies that their low-energy properties are described by an effective Luttinger model, and constitutes the universality class of these quantum systems. Once the mapping on the Luttinger model is achieved, one has an asymptotically exact solution of the 1D many-body problem. Lattice models identified as Luttinger liquids include the 1D Hubbard model off half-filling, and variants such as the t − J-or the extended Hubbard model. Also 1D electron-phonon systems or metals with impurities can be Luttinger liquids, as well as the edge states in the quantum Hall effect.We discuss in detail various solutions of the Luttinger model which emphasize different aspects of the physics of 1D Fermi liquids. Correlation functions are calculated in detail using bosonization, and the relation of this method to other approaches is discussed. The correlation functions decay as non-universal power-laws, and scaling relations between their exponents are parameterized by the effective coupling constant. Charge-spin separation only shows up in dynamical correlations. The Luttinger liquid concept is developed from perturbations of the Luttinger model. Mainly specializing to the 1D Hubbard model, we review a variety of mappings for complicated models of interacting electrons onto Luttinger models, and thereby obtain their correlation functions. We also discuss the generic behaviour of systems not falling into the Luttinger liquid universality class because of gaps in their low-energy spectrum. The Mott transition provides an example for the transition from Luttinger to non-Luttinger behaviour, and recent results on this problem are summarized. Coupling chains by interactions or tunneling allows transverse coherence to establish in the single-or two-particle dynamics, and drives the systems away from a Luttinger liquid. We discuss the influence of charge-spin separation and of the anomalous dimensions on the transverse dynamics of the electrons. The edge states in the quani tum Hall effect provide a realization of a modified, chiral Luttinger liquid whose detailed properties differ...