It is well known that the decomposition of injective modules over noetherian rings is one of the most aesthetic and important results in commutative algebra. Our aim is to prove similar results for graded noetherian rings. In this paper, we will study the structure theorem for gr-injective modules over gr-noetherian G-graded commutative rings, give a definition of the gr-Bass numbers, and study their properties. We will show that every gr-injective module has an indecomposable decomposition. Let R be a gr-noetherian graded ring and M be a gr-finitely generated R-module, we will give a formula for expressing the Bass numbers using the functor Ext. We will define the section functor Γ V with support in a specialization-closed subset V of Spec gr (R) and the abstract local cohomology functor. Finally, we will show that a left exact radical functor F is of the form Γ V for a specialization-closed subset V .