We focus on the decomposition problem for nonstationary multicomponent signals involving Big Data. We propose the kernel sparse learning (KSL), developed for the T-F reassignment algorithm by the path penalty function, to decompose the instantaneous frequencies (IFs) ridges of the overlapped multicomponent from a time-frequency representation (TFR). The main objective of KSL is to minimize the error of the prediction process while minimizing the amount of training samples used and thus to cut the costs interrelated with the training sample collection. The IFs first extraction is decided using the framework of the intrinsic mode polynomial chirp transform (IMPCT), which obtains a brief local orthogonal TFR of signals. Then, the IFs curves of the multicomponent signal can be easily reconstructed by the T-F reassignment. After the IFs are extracted, component decomposition is performed through KSL. Finally, the performance of the method is compared when applied to several simulated micro-Doppler signals, which shows its effectiveness in various applications.