Cytoplasmic RNA, isolated from cells late after infection by adenovirus type 2 and fractionated by hybridization to specific fragments of adenovirus DNA produced by cleavage with the endonuclease R EcoRI, was used as template for protein synthesis in cell-free mammalian extracts. Each of the R-EcoRI fragments of DNA selects RNA that encodes specific subsets of the viral polypeptides, From the known order of the R.EcoRI fragments, the following pgrtial map is deduced: (III, Hila, IVa2, V, P-VII, IX), (II, P-VI), lOOK, IV-where the relative order of the components enclosed in parentheses has not yet been determined.A general technique for isolation of conditional lethal mutants in conjunction with identification of the altered protein products has not been developed for eukaryotes to the degree that led to such success in the genetic analysis of prokaryotes. However, the availability of enzymes that specifically fragment DNA, and the demonstration that RNA selected by hybridization to DNA can be translated in cell-free extracts (1, 2), have opened up alternative ways to do genetic mapping by biochemical means.One system that is amenable to such an analysis is the infection of mammalian cells by adenovirus. Adenovirus 2 (Ad2) is a human virus capable of transforming certain nonpermissive cells in vitro. In the productive infection of permissive cells, two phases have been defined, an early phase which includes events occurring before the onset of DNA synthesis (8 hr) and a subsequent late phase when most of the genome is expressed (for a review see ref.3). Approximately 18 virusspecific proteins have been found in extracts of infected cells (4), and at least 10 of these have been identified among the products of cell-free translation programmed by cytoplasmic RNA from adenovirus-infected cells (5-10). Discrete size classes of viral mRNA have been demonstrated by fractionation on a sucrose gradient and correlated with their polypeptide products (5). In addition, the mRNA homologous to Ad2 DNA has been characterized by electrophoretic mobility (11, 12) and by its hybridization with specific DNA fragments (11-15), but in neither of these latter cases have the RNA classes been correlated with their polypeptide products. Thus, the pattern of transcription of Ad2 is well characterized but the relationship of this map to the location of specific genes is unknown.We report here a partial map of the localization on the viral DNA of the genes encoding adenovirus polypeptides. This map was obtained by programming cell-free protein synthesis with cytoplasmic RNA, prepared from human cells late after Ad2 infection, that had first been fractionated by hybridization to the separated specific fragments of Ad2 DNA obtained after digestion with the restriction endonuclease RLEcoRI.The order of the six R-EcoRI fragments on Ad2 DNA is known (16) and so we can deduce the location of Ad2 genes. This technique provides a general method to locate genes, provided mRNA and suitable specific fragments of DNA can be obtained.