␣ 2 -Macroglobulin (␣ 2 M) is a plasma protease inhibitor, which reversibly binds growth factors and, in its activated form, binds to low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein (LRP-1), an endocytic receptor with cell signaling activity. Because distinct domains in ␣ 2 M are responsible for its various functions, we hypothesized that the overall effects of ␣ 2 M on cell physiology reflect the integrated activities of multiple domains, some of which may be antagonistic. To test this hypothesis, we expressed the growth factor carrier site and the LRP-1 recognition domain (RBD) as separate GST fusion proteins (FP3 and FP6, respectively). 2 is a 718-kDa homotetrameric glycoprotein, found in the plasma and extracellular spaces, which was first recognized as a broad spectrum protease inhibitor (1). Reaction with proteases induces a major conformational change in ␣ 2 M so that the protease is physically trapped (2, 3). The same conformational change reveals a cryptic recognition site for low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein (LRP-1) (4, 5). Because of the function of LRP-1 as an endocytic receptor, ␣ 2 M-protease complexes are rapidly cleared from the bloodstream and probably other sites of generation (6).In addition to its role as a protease inhibitor, ␣ 2 M is an important carrier of specific growth factors, including transforming growth factor- (TGF-), platelet-derived growth factor-BB (PDGF-BB), nerve growth factor- (NGF-), and neurotrophin-4 (7, 8). ␣ 2 M-carrier interactions are principally reversible in nature (7). As a result, ␣ 2 M may inhibit growth factor activity (9, 10) or stabilize the growth factor for potential delivery to cell signaling receptors (11). There also is evidence that ␣ 2 M, which is "activated" by reaction with proteases, initiates cell signaling by binding to LRP-1 (12-15) or other receptors, such as glucose-regulated protein-78 (Grp 78) (16,17). However, in studies with intact ␣ 2 M, the possibility that cell signaling results from growth factors that are carried by ␣ 2 M must be considered (11,18).A structural model of ␣ 2 M has been developed, based on the crystal structure of complement component C3, which is homologous to ␣ 2 M (19). This model describes ␣ 2 M as a modular structure, consisting of multiple independently folded domains. To localize ␣ 2 M domains that are responsible for various activities, our laboratory generated a library of glutathione S-transferase (GST) fusion proteins, containing overlapping segments of the ␣ 2 M subunit (20 -22). Fusion protein-3 (FP3) includes residues 591-774 and contains the sequence in ␣ 2 M responsible for binding growth factors. FP6 contains amino acids 1242-1451 and the LRP-1-binding site, in which a single ␣-helix that includes Lys 1370 and Lys 1374 plays a central role (23,24). Assignment of ␣ 2 M activities to specific fusion proteins, such as FP3 and FP6, has been validated by mutagenesis of full-length recombinant ␣ 2 M (25, 26). Thus, the ␣ 2 M fusion proteins provide an opportunity to assess activities assigne...