African sleeping sickness is caused by Trypanosoma brucei gambiense and T. b. rhodesiense. This disease resulted in the deaths of several million people during the first half of the twentieth century (1) and continues to pose a threat of new epidemics (2). Of even more significance is the fact that animal trypanosomiasis or nagana (T. congolense, T. b. brucei, and T. vivax) makes four million square miles of the African continent unsuitable for the production of cattle and other livestock (3). The first trypanocidal agents were developed by Ehrlich and his collaborators in the early part of this century. Over the next 50 yr, drugs such as tryparsarnide, suramin, pentamidine, berenil, ethidium, Antrycide, and melarsoprol became available for use in the treatment of both sleeping sickness and nagana (4). For the past 20 yr, however, there have been no new chemotherapeutic agents introduced. Moreover, the therapeutic usefulness of the older drugs is diminishing due to the increased incidence of resistant strains (5).We have been attempting to develop new chemotherapeutic agents by elucidating biochemical differences between trypanosomes and their hosts and then designing drugs to take advantage of these differences. The present communication describes such an approach to drug development. The biochemical difference we have exploited is the inability of T. b. brucei to synthesize heine (6). As a result of this deficiency and the avid binding of heine to serum proteins in mammalian hosts, the bloodstream form of this organism has no detectable heine (S. R. Meshnick and S. Sassa, unpublished results) or hemoproteins such as cytochromes (7) or catalase (8). In a previous communication (9) we reported that the lack ofcatalase in T. b. brucei leads to an accumulation of intracellular hydrogen peroxide (H202) in these organisms, which should increase their susceptibility to killing by agents that promote the homolytic cleavage of H202 yielding hydrexy (HO.) or hydroperoxy (HOO.) radicals. Presumably, these radicals would react with unsaturated lipids and other cell constituents, thereby leading to cell destruction. Heme proved to be trypanocidal in vitro, whereas several other porphyrins showed in vivo activity (9). We ascribed this to their acting as initiators of homolytic cleavage. To enhance the efficacy of this therapeutic approach, we have attempted to determine the site of H202 production, the fate of the H202 generated, a means of increasing H202 production, and lastly, ways of rendering trypanosomes more susceptible to radical damage. J. ExP. MED.