The protein defective in hereditary hemochromatosis, called HFE, is similar to MHC class I-type proteins and associates with â€2-microglobulin (â€2M). Its association with â€2M was previously shown to be necessary for its stability, normal intracellular processing, and cell surface expression in transfected COS cells. Here we use stably transfected Chinese hamster ovary cell lines expressing both HFE and †2 M or HFE alone to study the effects of †2 M on the stability and maturation of the HFE protein and on the role of HFE in transferrin receptor 1 (TfR1)-mediated iron uptake. In agreement with prior studies on other cell lines, we found that overexpression of HFE, without overexpressing â€2M, resulted in a decrease in TfR1-dependent iron uptake and in lower iron levels in the cells, as evidenced by ferritin and TfR1 levels measured at steady state. However, overexpression of both HFE and â€2M had the reverse effect and resulted in an increase in TfR1-dependent iron uptake and increased iron levels in the cells. The HFE-â€2M complex did not affect the affinity of TfR1 for transferrin or the internalization rate of transferrin-bound TfR1. Instead, HFE-â€2M enhanced the rate of recycling of TfR1 and resulted in an increase in the steady-state level of TfR1 at the cell surface of stably transfected cells. We propose that Chinese hamster ovary cells provide a model to explain the effect of the HFE-â€2M complex in duodenal crypt cells, where the HFE-â€2M complex appears to facilitate the uptake of transferrin-bound iron to sense the level of body iron stores. Impairment of this process in duodenal crypt cells leads them to be iron poor and to signal the differentiating enterocytes to take up iron excessively after they mature into villus cells in the duodenum of hereditary hemochromatosis patients.H ereditary hemochromatosis (HH) is an autosomal recessive disorder of iron metabolism, characterized by excessive absorption of dietary iron in the small intestine. The excess iron is stored in the parenchymal cells of major tissues, primarily the liver, pancreas, heart, pituitary, and joints, eventually leading to severe tissue damage (1-3). The pathogenesis of HH is thought to involve a defect in the mechanism controlling iron absorption in the small intestine (4).The gene defective in hemochromatosis, HFE, encodes an MHC class I-type protein (5). In multiple population studies, 85-90% of HH patients of northern European ancestry were found to be homozygous for the C282Y mutation in HFE. About 5% are compound heterozygotes for C282Y and a second mutation, H63D (5-10). Even earlier, the observation that †2 -microglobulin (†2 M)-deficient mice develop progressive iron overload similar to that seen in HH patients suggested the involvement of an MHC class I protein in HH (11, 12). Confirmation that mutations in HFE cause HH was provided by observations of mice with targeted disruption of the HFE gene. These HFE knockout mice showed high transferrin saturation and an increase in iron storage in hepatocytes (13-15).The C282Y mutati...