The energy spectrum of Frohlich polarons in a magnetic field is investigated theoretically. The constants of the motion of the system are studied and a "Feynman model" serves as B guide in this study. A crucial difference between the energy spectra of polarons and rigid particles is predicted a t rather strong coupling strengths or large magnetic fields. It is due to the internal structure of the polaron system. When the electron-LO-phonon coupling constant becomes large enough to allow internal excitations, a resonance may appear in the one-phonon continuum. This resonance is split by Zeeman effect a t small field values and the components of the multiplet tend asymptotically to the Landau levels with increasing field strengths. The stability of one component a t least is enhanced by the magnetic field, so that magnetic fields could be used to reveal internal excitations of polarons, in cyclotron resonance or magneto-optical absorption experiments. Recent experimental results on magneto-absorption by excitons are discussed in the light of the present work.
Es wird das Energiespektrum