ÖzetLiken miksödematoz (papüler müsinoz) tiroid hastal›¤› olmaks›z›n dermal müsin birikimi ve fibrozise ba¤l› olarak geliflen likenoid papül, nodül ve/veya plaklar ile karakterize s›k görülmeyen, kronik, idiyopatik bir hastal›kt›r.Liken miksödematoz klinikopatolojik olarak iki subgrup içerir: monoklonal gammopati ile beraber sistemik, hatta letal bulgular› olan generalize papüler ve sklerodermoid form (skleromiksödem de denir) ve daha selim prognozlu lokalize papüler form."Discrete" papüler müsinoz, Hepatit C virüs (HCV) ve insan immünyetmezlik virüs (HIV) infeksiyonu ile iliflkili olabilen lokalize formun nadir bir subtipidir.Bugüne kadar literatürde HCV veya HIV infeksiyonu ile iliflkisi olmayan sadece 12 olgu bildirimi vard›r. Burada vücu-dunda çok say›da, asemptomatik, deri renginde papülleri olan, histopatolojik incelemede dermal müsin birikimi tespit edilen, tiroid hastal›¤› ve monoklonal gammopati saptanmayan, viral belirleyicileri negatif olan 64 yafl›nda kad›n hastay› sunuyoruz.
SummaryLichen myxoedematosus (synonym, papular mucinosis) is an uncommon, chronic, idiopathic disorder characterized by lichenoid papules, nodules and/or plaques due to dermal mucin deposition and a variable degree of fibrosis in the absence of thyroid dysfunction. Actually, lichen myxoedematosus includes two clinicopathologic subsets: a generalized papular and sclerodermoid form (also called scleromyxedema) with a monoclonal gammopathy and systemic, even lethal, manifestations and a localized papular form with non-disabling course. Discrete papular mucinosis is a rare subtype of the localized form and can be associated with hepatitis C virus and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. Only 12 cases unrelated to HCV or HIV infection have been described in the literature to date. Herein, we report a 64-year-old woman who presented with asymptomatic, flat, flesh-coloured papules on her neck, upper trunk and proximal extremities. A skin biopsy from a papule on her neck demonstrated dermal mucin deposition after alcian blue staining. The number of fibroblasts was increased. Laboratory studies revealed normal thyroid function tests. Serum protein electrophoresis did not show any evidence of a monoclonal gammopathy. Serology tests for HCV and HIV were negative. (Turkderm 2011; 45: 104-6)