We find a relation between Lagrangian Floer pairing of a symplectic manifold and Kapustin-Li pairing of the mirror Landau-Ginzburg model under localized mirror functor. They are conformally equivalent with an interesting conformal factor (vol F l oer /vol ) 2 , which can be described as a ratio of Lagrangian Floer volume class and classical volume class.For this purpose, we introduce B -invariant of Lagrangian Floer cohomology with values in Jacobian ring of the mirror potential function. And we prove what we call a multi-crescent Cardy identity under certain conditions, which is a generalized form of Cardy identity.As an application, we discuss the case of general toric manifold, and the relation to the work of Fukaya-Oh-Ohta-Ono and their Z -invariant. Also, we compute the conformal factor (vol F l oer /vol ) 2 for the elliptic curve quotient P 1 3,3,3 , which is expected to be related to the choice of a primitive form.