Transcription of the genes for cobalamin biosynthesis is reduced during aerobic growth. We isolated and characterized mutants that showed a 2-to 90-fold increase in aerobic expression of the cobinamide biosynthesis (CobI) genes, depending on the particular mutation and growth conditions. Four different classes of mutations were characterized. All mutations (CobRI through CobRIV) were cis-acting, dominant mutations that mapped near the promoter end of the CobI operon. Two of these classes of mutations (Ill and IV) caused an increase in anaerobic as well as aerobic transcription of the CobIl and CobIlI operons; this led to increased biosynthesis of cobalamin under anaerobic growth conditions. A recessive mutation (cobF) mapping far from the CobI operon increased anaerobic CobI operon expression by about fourfold.Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) is synthesized by Salmonella typhimurium only under anaerobic growth conditions (15); expression of the biosynthetic genes is reduced in the presence of oxygen. Neither the physiological significance nor the mechanism of this pattern of regulation is understood.Cobalamin is used as a cofactor in four known reactions in S. typhimurium. First, it is required by one of the two methyltransferases (metE and metH gene products) that independently can catalyze methylation of homocysteine to form methionine (19,24,25,27). Second, it is required for the cleavage of ethanolamine to acetaldehyde and ammonia, providing both a carbon and a nitrogen source (6, 21). Third, Frey et al. (11) showed that B12 is involved in formation of the nonessential hypermodified Q base found at position 34 in the anticodon of tRNAASP,Asn,His,Tyr; B12 is needed for conversion of epoxyqueuosine to queuosine. Finally, it was recently shown (R. M. Jeter, submitted for publication) that S. typhimurium can use 1,2-propanediol as a carbon source under aerobic growth conditions only if vitamin B12 is provided. The pathway for breakdown of propanediol by S. typhimurium has not been characterized but probably includes the enzyme propanediol dehydratase, which is known to require B12 in other organisms (28). None of the known cobalamin-dependent reactions is essential for cell growth under most conditions, and none of them has so far been shown to be of special significance during anaerobic growth.Previous genetic analysis (15, 16) has established that most of the cobalamin biosynthetic (Cob) genes map near the his operon at 41 min on the chromosome. The genes appear to comprise three different operons; the CobI operon is involved in cobinamide biosynthesis, the CobIl operon is involved in dimethylbenzimidazole (DMB) biosynthesis, and the Coblll operon encodes functions that join cobinamide and DMB to form cobalamin. All three operons are transcribed counterclockwise with repect to the Salmonella genetic map.Previous experiments established three exogenous factors that affect transcription of the Cob operons (10). The end product of the pathway, cobalamin, reduces transcription, * Corresponding author. t Present address: D...