“…Their hydrogen concentration, as determined from neutron diffraction with polarization analysis, are 0.34(3) (10Y:BZO), 0.18(2) (10Sc:BZO), 0.10(1) (10In:BZO), 0.20(1) (20In:BZO), and 0.19(1) (25In:BZO) mol mol Ba À1 . 6,7,10 The NBS experiments were conducted at the IN16B spectrometer of the Institut Laue Langevin (ILL) in Grenoble, France. 11,12 With an incident wavelength of 6.3Å and the Si(111) unpolished analyzer conguration a resolution of 0.9 meV and a maximum Q of 1.9Å À1 were accessed.…”