The representation theory of partially ordered sets (posets) in linear vector spaces has been studied extensively and found to be of great importance for studying indecomposable representations of group and algebras, Cohen-Macaulay modules and many others algebraical objects (see [2,3,6,7,16] and many others). A representation of a given poset P in some vector space V is a collection (V ; V i ), i ∈ P of vector subspaces V i ⊂ V such that V i ⊂ V j as soon as i ≺ j in P. Usually such representations are studied up to equivalence (which is given by linear bijections between two spaces that bijectively map the corresponded subspaces). M. Kleiner and L. Nazarova (see [6,11]) completely classified all posets into three classes: finite type posets (posets that have finite number of indecomposable nonequivalent representation), tame posets (posets that have at most one-parametric family of indecomposable representations in each dimension) and wild posets (the classification problem of their indecomposable representations contains as a subproblem a problem of classification up to conjugacy classes a pair of two matrices).It is also possible to develop a similar theory over Hilbert spaces. By representation we understand a collection (H; H i ) of Hilbert subspaces in some Hilbert space H such that H i ⊂ H j as soon as i ≺ j. The equivalence between two system of Hilbert subspaces is given by unitary operator which bijectively maps corresponding subspaces. It turns out that in this case the classification problem becomes much more harder: even the poset PThis work has been partially supported by the Scientific Program of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Project No 0107U002333.2 Roman Grushevoi and Kostyantyn Yusenko poset (it is impossible to classify all representation of this poset in a reasonable way see [9]). We add an "extra" relation α 1 P 1 + . . . + α n P n = γI, (0.1) between the projections P i : H → H i on corresponding subspaces for some weight χ = (α 1 , . . . , α n ) ∈ R n + (this relation will be called orthoscalarity condition). When the system of subspaces is a so-called m-filtration, this relation plays an important role in different areas of mathematics (see [17,8] and references therein) and this is actually one of the original motivations to investigate such representations of posets in Hilbert space.The interconnection between linear and Hilbert representations of the posets is given by unitarization which asks whether for given linear representation (V, V i ) it is possible to provide a hermitian structure in V so that the linear relation (0.1) holds for some weight χ. In [4] for the case when P is a primitive poset we proved that a poset P is of finite orthoscalar type (has finitely many irreducible representations with orthoscalarity condition up to the unitary equivalence) if and only if it is of finite (linear) type. Also there were proved that each indecomposable representation of poset of finite (linear) type could be unitarized with some weight and for each representation we described...