Recently, multiple synthetic and real-world datasets have been built to facilitate the training of deep single image reflection removal (SIRR) models. Meanwhile, diverse testing sets are also provided with different types of reflection and scenes. However, the non-negligible domain gaps between training and testing sets make it difficult to learn deep models generalizing well to testing images. The diversity of reflections and scenes further makes it a mission impossible to learn a single model being effective to all testing sets and real-world reflections. In this paper, we tackle these issues by learning SIRR models from a domain generalization perspective. Particularly, for each source set, a specific SIRR model is trained to serve as a domain expert of relevant reflection types. For a given reflectioncontaminated image, we present a reflection type-aware weighting (RTAW) module to predict expert-wise weights. RTAW can then be incorporated with adaptive network combination (AdaNEC) for handling different reflection types and scenes, i.e., generalizing to unknown domains. Two representative AdaNEC methods, i.e., output fusion (OF) and network interpolation (NI), are provided by considering both adaptation levels and efficiency. For images from one source set, we train RTAW to only predict expert-wise weights of other domain experts for improving generalization ability, while the weights of all experts are predicted and employed during testing. An in-domain expert (IDE) loss is presented for training RTAW. Extensive experiments show the appealing performance gain of our AdaNEC on different state-of-the-art SIRR networks. Source code and pre-trained models will available at https://github. com/csmliu/AdaNEC.