With the recent advances in genomic research and biotechnology, ubiquitous smart services are required in a bio-laboratory to simplify complex experiments that are now routine. In this thesis, we show that with our customdesigned Bio-Bridge (BB) device-a smart middleware that possesses: (a) a common interface platform for communication between multi-vendor bioinstruments and mobile devices; (b) next-generation middleware characteristics such as transparent computing and awareness functionalities; and (c) low-cost scalability and easy reprogrammable. We can provide a scalable unwired Smart Lab platform with location awareness feature for operation in the common IEEE 802.11b wireless network environment. We propose novel solutions to investigate two of the challenging research issues on BB device, namely: reprogrammable and context-sensitive computing. In addition, we also describe a novel Stochastic Positioning by Interpolated Radial Mapping (SPIRM) method devised for enabling a low-cost small-scale relative positioning engine operating in smart laboratory platform. Our results show that SPIRM method can provide accurate relative positioning for the virtual linking of man and machine in the smart laboratory.