Three a~tmatic amino acids. Tyr ~'. Trp *° and Tyr '~7 belongin 8 1o three separate domains of the r~7-sttbunit of neuronal nicotinic actty|choline reoel~or were mutated to phenylalanin©, and the electrophysiological response of the resultmg mulant receptors analy~ed in the k'es~pNs oocyte ©~pression system. All mutations signifi~mtly decreased the apparent affinities for a~tyi~olir~ and nicotine, and to a kss~r extent, tho~ for the ~ompetitive antagonists dihydro-~-crythroidine and ~-bungarotoxin. Other properlies investigated, s~h as the voltaire ~dent'y of the itws response as well as its sensitivity to the open channel blocker QX222, were not significantly chanl~d, indicatting that the mutations affected selectively the rex3o~ition of cholin~rgic ligands by the reoeptor protein. The maximal rates for the rapid desensitization proems were slight|y modified, sugil~ting that the contribtttion ofTyr ~z. Trp ~ and Tyr ~ to the binding area might differ in the various conformations of the nicotinic re~-ptor. Other mutations at nearby positions ($94N, WI53F, GISID and ~i82E) did not aff~t the pro;~-tics of tl~ ¢leclrophysiological r~q~msc. rl~ data point to the fun~iona| significan~ of Tyr *~, Trp *a and Tyr ~s' in the binding of cholimsrrlgi~ iigands and ion channel metivati~ of the ni~otin~ receptor, thas supporting a multiple loop model [(1990) J. Biol. Chem. 2455 for the liBand binding area.Neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor; Ac~yicholine bindin 8 site: site-dire-ted mutagenesis