Using the Hartree-Fock-Roothaan procedure, the nuclear quadrupole interactions (NQI) of the 14 N (/ = 1) nucleus in the energetically important molecules RDX, ß-HMX and the physiologically important molecule Cocaine, are studied. The coupling constants (e 2 q Q) and asymmetry parameters (r\) for the three ring nitrogens in RDX are found to 0.556 and 0.562, respectively, in 2 q Q and 0.0395 for rj. Possible reasons for the small remaining differences between theory and experiment in e 2 q Q and t] for all three systems and the significant differences in trends over the three nitrogens in RDX between theory and experiment are discussed. Also, the calculated quadrupole interaction parameters for the 14 N nuclei in the N0 2 groups outside the ring for both RDX and ß-HMX are presented with the hope that they will be measured in the future to provide a more complete understanding of the electron distributions in these systems.