News media representation of preventive health policies can influence public discussion and political decision making, impacting policy implementation and sustainability. This study analysed news media coverage of the contested ‘last drinks’ alcohol laws in Sydney, Australia, to understand the arguments made by different ‘actors’ (stakeholders) regarding the laws and provide insights on how preventive health policies are positioned within media discourse.
We identified print and online news media articles discussing the laws from 2014 to 2020. Content analysis was used to quantify the arguments made to justify support or opposition to the laws.
A total of 445 articles were included for analysis. Four hundred and thirty‐five actors were identified, with industry actors mentioned most (213 times) followed by health actors (136 times). There were more quotes from opponents of the laws compared to supporters of the laws (57% vs. 25%). The proportion of media mentions reduced for supporters (34% in 2014 to 14% in 2020) while mentions increased for opponents (47% in 2014 to 73% in 2020). Supporters used arguments about crime, safety and health. Opponents of the laws focused on issues such as Sydney's ‘night time economy’ and negative impacts of the laws.
Discussion and Conclusions
Opponents of the laws strategically used the media to influence public debate. Opponents, including industry actors, also ignored the health impacts of alcohol and utilised campaign groups to advocate against the laws. These findings have implications for how governments and advocates communicate and build support for contested preventive health policies.