The imposition of external constraints on an activity has frequently been shown to undermine intrinsic motivation. Given that limits must often be set upon peoples' activities, especially in parenting and education, the present study addressed the question of whether limits can be set without undermining intrinsic motivation for the activity being limited. Using cognitive evaluation theory, contrasting limit setting styles of either a controlling or informational nature, or no limits, were placed upon forty-four first-and second-grade children engaged in a painting activity. The intrinsic motivation, enjoyment, creativity, and quality of artistic production were expected to be decreased by controlling limits relative to informational and no-limits, which were not expected to differ from each other. The results provided substantial support for these predictions, suggesting that limits can be set without undermining intrinsic motivation if they are informational in nature. Support was also found for the consensual assessment of creativity method recently developed by Amabile (1982a). Results ofthe study are discussed along with the general relation between creativity and intrinsic motivation.Recent findings in motivational research suggest that imposing external controls or constraints on an actiyity can haye a deleterious effect on subsequent intrinsic motiyation. Beginning with Deci's (1971) demonstration that tangible rewards for doing a task can negatiyely affect intrinsic motiyation, many other factors that haye a similar impact haye been identified, including symbolic rewards