This article endeavours to extract the most important principles of congregational ministry (focusing on equipping the members) from Ephesians by means of an exegetical analysis of the Letter. The article also attempts to demonstrate the importance that principles, on which congregational ministry is grounded, should be developed by means of sound Scriptural exegesis. The article first investigates the structure of Ephesians, and then makes deductions that would be appropriate as principles of ministry. Based on these deductions, the article suggests a few guidelines for the pastoral ministry of congregations and critically compares these with the opinions of other researchers. Finally, the article concludes that it is necessary to ground principles of ministry on Scripture by means of a thorough exegesis.
INTRODUCTIONAbundant research has already been done on the Letter to the Ephesians (cf. Hoehner 2004:xxi-xxix; Fowl 2012:xi-xvii). However, there is a paucity of research on the meaning of Ephesians for practical ministry in local congregations, focusing on equipping the members. According to Purves (2004:xvii), My broad concern is the seeming lack of connection between exegesis of the Scriptures and the central Christian doctrines, on the one hand, and the theology and practice of ministry today, on the other … Pastoral theology, in my view, has largely abandoned the responsibility to speak concerning God.
Prof. G. Breed,