Since log file monitoring is indispensable in the developmentand repair of an application, it is also of paramount importanceto obtain a clear and direct interpretation when analyzing thefiles. Often due to the increase in data generated per second incurrent systems and the dispersion that cloud computing cancause in these files, this action can become quite complicated,having to analyze the file several times until the reported error isfound. This task can take a long time, depending on the numberof files, data, and components available on the system. In thisstudy, the Elastic Stack log management tools were used:Elasticsearch, Filebeat, and Kibana for filtering, managing,centralizing, and viewing the logs. The tests were performed onLexisNexis' Big Data HPCC Systems platform. With the creationof interactive dashboards, the log visualizations and the searchfor errors were facilitated, which can help find solutions forreported errors.