The present article reviews the technology trends in cement job evaluation using logging tools and considers the main advantages and concerns associated with each technology. The technologies covered include recent acoustic tools, temperature logging, noise logging, resistivity logs, oxygen activation logs, X-Ray measurements, Gamma-Gamma density measurements, Neutron-Neutron logging, and fiber-optic measurements.
Technology trends in cement logging tools suggest that acoustic measurements such as pulse-echo and flexural measurements may be the leading techniques for cement job evaluation into the next decade. Although temperature logging tools are available and have potential for well integrity evaluation their application for primary cement job evaluation remains limited to top of cement location and qualitative evaluations. Various noise logging tools are commercially available to detect leaks but their application is limited to investigating well integrity issues and not primary cement job verification. Among the technologies and techniques reviewed, theoretically Neutron-Neutron and X-ray measurements may have the potential to be future technologies for cement job evaluation. Neutron-neutron logging tools have the advantage of being already available whereas X-ray logging tools are not yet developed for cement job evaluation. Besides tool availability, power supply, tool size, and data analysis are challenges to be solved when implementing an X-ray based technique.