Geology as a whole is the main influence on determining the feasibility of tunnelling for underground railways, and at what cost. Favourable conditions encouraged the early development of a network, significantly alter the methods used for construction, and are what form the tunnels, in terms of horizontal and vertical alignment. Local geology is shown, by means of two cross-sections following the tunnels, to be more important than the overall regional geology, where the underlying strata exhibit pronounced variations in permeability, and so mechanical properties. Geological complexities specific to the area of tunnelling generate problems during construction, but lead to technological innovation in the long term and a better understanding of local stratigraphy. As the result of this, and the increase in the quality of preliminary surveys, we are increasingly able to tunnel in areas previously considered treacherous.Civil engineers rarely have the luxury of locating tunnels in geological formations best suited to tunnel operations. Thus the geology of an area is often a primary factor in determining development: both above ground, and more importantly for this study, below ground. 'Geology', in the broadest sense of the word, exerts a great many controls on tunnelling, both macroscopic (including mechanical properties of the rock; its lateral and vertical continuity; susceptibility to weathering; and groundwater levels), and microscopic, such as specific structural features like sinkholes. In this way the regional geology and the local geology will be dealt with separately: tunnel designers tend to study the former first, determining where routes can go, whereas the latter controls the degree of difficulty experienced when tunnelling-and what have been referred to as 'construction calamities'.