The elimination of extrinsic sources of spin relaxation is key to realizing the exceptional intrinsic spin transport performance of graphene. Toward this, we study charge and spin transport in bilayer graphene-based spin valve devices fabricated in a new device architecture that allows us to make a comparative study by separately investigating the roles of the substrate and polymer residues on spin relaxation. First, the comparison between spin valves fabricated on SiO 2 and BN substrates suggests that substrate-related charged impurities, phonons and roughness do not limit the spin transport in current devices. Next, the observation of a fivefold enhancement in the spin-relaxation time of the encapsulated device highlights the significance of polymer residues on spin relaxation. We observe a spin-relaxation length of~10 μm in the encapsulated bilayer, with a charge mobility of 24 000 cm 2 Vs − 1 . The carrier density dependence on the spin-relaxation time has two distinct regimes; no4 × 10 12 cm − 2 , where the spin-relaxation time decreases monotonically as the carrier concentration increases, and n ⩾ 4 × 10 12 cm − 2 , where the spin-relaxation time exhibits a sudden increase. The sudden increase in the spin-relaxation time with no corresponding signature in the charge transport suggests the presence of a magnetic resonance close to the charge neutrality point. We also demonstrate, for the first time, spin transport across bipolar p-n junctions in our dual-gated device architecture that fully integrates a sequence of encapsulated regions in its design. At low temperatures, strong suppression of the spin signal was observed while a transport gap was induced, which is interpreted as a novel manifestation of the impedance mismatch within the spin channel.
INTRODUCTIONGraphene is considered to be a promising spin-channel material for future spintronics applications 1 because of its high-electronic mobility, 2 weak spin-orbit coupling 3,4 and a negligible hyperfine interaction. 5,6 The initial spin transport studies were mainly performed on single-layer 7-10 and bilayer exfoliated graphene, 9,11 and large-area graphene 12-15 deposited on conventional SiO 2 substrates. Although enhanced spin-relaxation times have been reported for bilayer graphene-based devices compared with those based on a single layer, the relatively low spin diffusion constants overall yield a lower spin-relaxation length of only 1-2 μm, 9,11 far below the theoretical predictions. 16 One approach suggested for achieving a longer distance spin communication is to increase the spin diffusion constants by fabricating higher mobility devices. 8,17 For charge transport, it has been shown that the carrier mobility of graphene devices on SiO 2 is mainly limited by interfacial charged impurities, surface roughness, and phonons. [18][19][20] The demonstration of an order-of-magnitude improvement in the mobility of graphene encapsulated between atomically flat, charge trap free boron nitride crystals 21,22 has triggered the recent spin transport studies...